Are you longing for a place that combines business strategy with convenience?
Our premises are not only located in the heart of a living farm, but also offer direct access to Ladan’s well-visited café and shops. Imagine breaks with fresh pastries or quick meetings over a cup of coffee, just a few steps from your door!
Our premises go hand in hand with expansion and innovation. The surrounding environment offers a peaceful backdrop where creativity can flow freely, and the surrounding shops bring hustle and bustle on weekends. Perfect if you run an office with stock needs or a business where you then want to have physical sales on weekends.
Don’t miss the chance to combine work with pleasure in a room where the past meets the future and where your business not only grows, but also thrives.
There are nice walking areas in the immediate area and an outdoor gym. Between Kungsängen’s commuter train station and Öråker, there is at three-kilometer training loop. If you choose the car, there is plenty of parking.
Welcome to a unique workplace that offers a unique way of working and then some!

We have the following premises available:
Vi har lediga lokaler att hyra ut från 17kvm till 103 kvm. Lokalerna är nyrenoverade med ny belysning och nymålade väggar. Perfekt som kontor, butik och/eller lager. Lokalerna värms upp av gårdens centrala flisbrännare som pumpar varmt vatten över hela gården. Betonggolv och breda dörrar gör utrymmena lättillgängliga för verksamheter som behöver använda pallavdragare eller annan lagerutrustning.
Just move in and make it yours!
Ideal office space with up to 400 square meters of newly renovated space with wooden floors, central heating and large windows with an overview of animals and pastures.
Ring Ebba 070-492 8704 eller Carl-Fabian 070-8723946 för en visning.